Aşteptarea a luat sfârşit !
Stocul special pentru perioada estivală a fost refăcut.
Vă invităm aşadar, să vă bucuraţi din plin de noile arome cu iz de vară. Am păstrat aceleaşi reţete, pe care le-am adaptat şi armonizat în ton cu anotimpul şi cu tradiţia care ne inspiră.
O să descoperiţi denumiri noi la săpunuri, pentru că ne-am gândit că lui „Fain”, i-ar sta bine cu nişte nume inspirate din atât de frumoasa limbă a strămoşilor..

Respect for the nature and the care for health are the principles that guide our entire work. Therefore, when "we bring a soap to life”, nature is our only source of inspiration. We permanently seek for recipes that can gather in a soap the necessary curative qualities, especially for skin and hair. We all know that the skin in the biggest body organ. It is made of water, mineral salts, proteins, fat cells, collagen, elastin fibers and glucose. The skin absorbs about 60% of all the substances with which it comes in contact, more specifically the proper functioning of the body depends a lot on the health of the skin. Most cosmetic products available on the market are made of synthetic chemical substances that, instead of healing, they harm our skin and hair, increasing the risk of illness. Through their exclusive natural ingredients, such as medicinal plant infusions, fruit and vegetable purées, goat milk or the cold-pressed, organic oils and butters, the "Fain” soaps are a veritable source of care, nourishing and regeneration of the skin.